Personal growth helps us become better people and create the lives we want. Whether you’ve grown through experiences you chose for yourself or ones that life threw your way (Oh hey, COVID!), growth is good. Even when the process feels challenging! 

If your growth and development have shifted your priorities and how you view the world, it might be time to redefine your values. And that’s OK! Figuring out what’s important to you now and where you want to focus your energy is a great step toward building the life you dream of. 


Today I’m sharing how you can redefine your personal values as you grow.

Growth Comes From Change

Personal growth comes from change. Sometimes, it can be a change as simple as learning about a new idea or accepting someone else’s opinion. Or, change might come from life events and experiences that alter how you think and feel about things. No matter how big or small the change might be, personal growth is always a result of something new coming into your universe.

When change is positive and easy (think learning a new hobby or mastering a skill), it feels good to recognize that you’re growing as a person. When change is challenging, though (like losing a job or going through a divorce), it can be tough to focus on the personal growth you can gain out of that experience.

The thing is, all of our new experiences, realizations, and lessons are opportunities for us to grow and become better people. And as we grow and change as people, sometimes we need to adjust and redefine our personal values, so they ring true to where we are in life right now.

Why Redefining Your Values Matters

So, what’s the big deal if you haven’t given much thought to your values lately? Knowing what your values are can have a pretty big and positive influence on your life. When you know exactly what’s most important to you and make choices that support those priorities, you’re structuring your life around what matters most to you. 

When you’re clear on your values, every decision you make and path you choose will be the best ones for you. If you’ve experienced personal growth and know your values might have changed, redefining them will help you keep creating the best life for you. 


Look Back on Your Values “Before”

Before I start talking about redefining your personal values, I want you to think about what your values were before you got to this point. Before whatever changes happened that led to the personal growth you experienced, what were the things that mattered most to you in life? What was at the heart of your belief system?

Maybe just one or two of your values have shifted, and you want to rethink what they mean to you. Or maybe, your personal growth has been epic, and you’re assessing all of your priorities. Either way, remember this: When you’re working on creating your dream life, change and growth are part of the deal! They play a big role in getting where you want to be.

Redefining Your Values for Who You Are Now

Explore Your Personal Growth

If you want to redefine your values for where you are in your life now, it helps to spend some time exploring the ways you’ve grown personally that led you here. 

What’s changed in your life recently? What are the events and experiences that stimulated your personal growth? Think about what your priorities were as you navigated those changes. Where did you spend your energy, and what were you focused on? How do you feel about yourself, now that you know you’ve grown from the experiences.

Try writing down things you’ve noticed about yourself that are different now. Are you more confident about something? Have certain things become easier for you because you’ve grown? Really digging into your personal growth will help you identify your values as you dive into redefining them.

Start From Scratch With a List of Your Values

Even if you think you have a pretty good grasp on your values, or if you don’t think much has changed, now’s a perfect time to take a fresh look at them. Your values might be exactly what you think they are–or you might realize more has changed than you realize!

  • Start by thinking about what’s most important to you these days.
    What pieces of your life are so significant that you base your decisions around them? Maybe it’s family and friendship. Maybe honesty and ambition are what drive you. There are no wrong answers! Just be honest with yourself about what you know you prioritize in your life. 
  • Imagine your dream career (forget the money and logistics!)
    If you could spend your days doing something that made you feel satisfied and good about yourself, what would it be? Think about what aspects of that dream career make it so attractive to you. Is it a role where you could help someone? Would it give you a sense of balance that you’re longing for? Your answers will help you see what’s important to you.
  • Consider what makes you mad.

I promise this will help you redefine your values! Thinking about the things you really don’t like or even make you angry lets you see the behaviors and priorities you don’t want in your life. If it really frustrates you when things are messy, organization might be more important to you than you think! Or, if it fires you up most when someone is dishonest, honesty may be one of your values.

  • Focus on what makes you most happy and proud.

Everyone has something that makes their heart soar and that makes them feel really good about themselves. What is that for you? For some, it might time with their children. For others, it could be the way they feel when they do something that helps someone else. The most meaningful and happy moments and experiences in your life can tell you a lot about what matters the most to you and what your values are.

Write Down Your New Values, and Live Them!

Now that you’ve made a list of your values at this stage in your life, it’s time to focus on them. Writing down your values, whether in your journal, on your whiteboard, or even a Post-It, will help them stay front of mind for you. Keeping your values on your radar as you make decisions, big and small, will help you keep building the life you want.  

Create a Life You Love

Make this year the one where you finally begin living your best life. My free Living Your Best Life Guide has everything you need to stop feeling stuck and start living the life of your dreams. –Even if you’re not sure what that might be yet! Download the guide today to get started.