Whether we admit to them or not, everyone has fears. You might not be afraid of the dark or of what’s under the bed anymore (OK, maybe some of us are!), but there are plenty of fears that hold us back from creating the lives we want. Whether it’s a fear of failure, a fear of the unknown, or maybe even the fear of actually getting what you’ve always wanted, fears are natural. But here’s the thing: You can use fear to your advantage.

We don’t have to let our fears keep us from doing the things we want or finding the highest versions of ourselves. Taking the time to understand your fears and how they can actually help you move forward can be a game-changer. If you’re done hiding behind your fears and ready to start using them to live your best life, this one’s for you!


Acknowledge Your Fear

It might not be much fun to think and talk about our fears, but it’s an essential part of learning to use your fears to your advantage. Don’t feel bad or embarrassed about the things you’re afraid of. I promise everyone has something that frightens them when it comes to making significant changes in their lives. 

If we ignore our fears and try to sweep them under the rug, they’ll always be there, waiting to scare us at important moments or in big decisions. That’s why you have to acknowledge them. 

Take imposter syndrome, for example. If you’re always in fear that you’re not good enough at what you do or that you don’t have what it takes to move your chosen career to the next level, it will be difficult to ever really achieve what you want. Addressing those fears now will help you confidently make choices and take steps down the road. 

A great way to acknowledge your fears is by writing them down! Think about what your best life would look like: What would you be doing, how would it make you feel, and what would you accomplish. Write down the fears that are getting in your way. Consider your fears’ origins and when you became aware of them. Then, note what you think you would need to do to overcome your fears.


Use Your Fear As a Reality Check

Okay! Now that you’ve written down your fears, and you’ve acknowledged what they are, let’s see what’s making you afraid. What potential outcomes are scaring you? Maybe you’re fearful that finally making the career change you’ve dreamed of will put you in a bad position financially. Perhaps you’re worried about what people will think if you start prioritizing yourself and what you need to be happy. 

Instead of basing your choices on avoiding bad decisions or scary outcomes, jot down a list of the absolute worst-case scenarios your fears could lead to and then the potentially great ones. If the worst-case scenario happened with one of your fears, could you handle it? That way, instead of letting your fear dictate your choices and how you live your life, you’re using fear to your advantage and basing your actions on realities.

Find the Good in the Worst Outcomes

You control your thoughts, and you can decide whether you want to see the good or the bad in any situation. When it comes to your fears, I want you to take those worst-case scenario outcomes you just wrote down and find the positive in them.

I know, I know, it’s easier said than done. But, think about it. If you make the career change you’re considering and change your financial position, that can be a huge motivation to create success. If you start making your self care a priority and people judge you for it, maybe seeing how happy you are will inspire them to start investing in themselves, too.

It’s all about how you choose to see a situation. And if you can put a positive spin on even the worst circumstances that might come from your fears coming true, it will be all the easier to stop letting those fears hold you back.

Hit the Breaks So You Can Use Fear to Your Advantage

Sometimes, letting your fears get in the way of taking action or making a decision can be a good thing. I’m not saying it’s great to let fears keep you from getting where you want to be in life, but taking the time to explore your fears can give you a valuable period to reflect. 

Once you’ve acknowledged the fear and worked through all the possible outcomes associated with it, try taking a beat to sit with your thoughts. Don’t try to force yourself to work through your fears or make a move. Use that time to reflect and consider where you want to be and how you’ll get there. Doing this might help you understand your feelings better and ultimately use fear to your advantage and move forward. 

get over your fears

Show Your Fear Who’s Boss!

No one ever knows for sure if they can accomplish what they set out to do. Every single success story you’ve heard of probably has a fear or even insecurity they overcame to get where they are. Whether or not you can create your best life and really start living, it comes down to whether or not you’re willing to try.

So, are you going to let your fears keep you from the life you want? Are those worst-case scenarios actually too scary for you? If they are, that’s okay. But be honest with yourself about what you’re willing to try. You are capable of anything you put your mind to, and if you decide to, you can use fear to your advantage and motivate yourself even more!

Start Living Your Best Life

Are you ready to start building the life you’ve always wanted? In The Nourishment Haven, I give you all the tools and resources you need to stop waiting and start living. Sign up today to get the clarity, community, and training you need to transform your life and career!