Month: February 2019

  • Teaching Kindness in the Classroom: A Unit for K-1

    Teaching kindness isn’t something that you can quick touch on and think that your students will master. It takes daily modeling, reviewing and practice. A couple of years ago, my kids were really struggling with showing kindness to each other. I tried a few different things that I had read in blog posts and on […]


  • How to Avoid Teacher Burnout

    This time last year, I was wondering if I was really cut out to be a teacher. It was my 6th year and I was suffering from teacher burnout. How many of you have been there? I think we probably have all been there at some point in our careers..What I have learned though is […]


  • Tier 1 Math Interventions for the Classroom -Part 1-

    Thanks for joining me! I am going to embark on a math intervention journey here in my blog! I will be writing a number of posts that discuss intervention ideas for the areas of number ID and counting, structuring, adding and subtracting, place value and multiplication and division. Today, I’m going to talk about the […]


  • Teaching Students to Love Independent Reading

    My Story of Becoming a Reader: I’m just going to lay this out there.. I HATED reading as a child and young adult.. I saw zero need for it and would have rather played hours worth of basketball than to touch a book for fun. The good news is that I eventually did find a […]