Month: September 2020

  • Daily Affirmations for Teachers: Change Your Mindset, Upgrade Your Life

    What are affirmations? Affirmations are simple, short and powerful thoughts or expressions. When you say, think, and hear them, they become thoughts that in turn can create reality. Affirmations are sentences aimed to affect the subconscious mind so that in turn they can be reflected in our conscious mind. They affect our behavior, thinking patterns, […]


  • Burnout in Teachers: How to get unstuck in life and teaching

    There’s something you *probably* don’t know about me, and to be totally real with you, it’s a little on the embarrassing side…but I almost let teacher burnout steal my career and quite possibly my life. Burnout in teachers is the number reason why they leave the profession. I hope by sharing my story that it will […]


  • Self Care App: Simply Balanced Teaching

    A self care app with everything you need to live a calm and balanced life. Picture this– I’m extremely pregnant with our 3rd child, sitting on the couch and wondering who I’m meant to be in this world. I had everything I had ever dreamed of but something was missing.. After googling what people do […]