Teachers have a demanding job that requires putting their students needs before their own. Although this seems to be the norm, it eventually leads to teacher burn-out. As teachers, we need to fight the idea that our needs should be put last. I have put together these 7 tips for practicing self care in the classroom to help you make yourself a priority and prevent from burning out.

teacher self care

1. Practice mindfulness—Be present, practice mindful breathing and try not to rush through your lessons just to get them done. They are much more effective if you take the time to make them go smoothly. Sometimes, I even pull up a great Go Noodle mindfulness activity and we do it together as a class. I think it’s important to have my students practice the same skills I am now trying to learn as an adult.

I want to spend a little more time talking about being present- It’s easy to say, “Oh, just be present..” but what does that really mean? It means that you are noticing the finer details of your day, your classroom and your students. What do you feel like, what are they feeling like? What sounds, smells.. I know not probably the most desirable thing to notice.. but you get the point. Try to focus on some of the smaller portions of your day and see what you notice and how it makes you feel.

2. Be grateful—Write down something at school you are grateful for each day. Gratefulness breeds happiness and happiness is contagious. Your students and coworkers will notice and the atmosphere will slowly shift.

3. Stay organized—This probably seems silly to think of as self-care but research supports that the less clutter you have around you, the happier you’ll be. I can definitely get on board with this idea because I feel more overwhelmed and anxious when my house or classroom are a disaster.

4. Drink enough water—I’m preaching to my own choir here. I am TERRIBLE at getting all of my ounces in each day. Things like water tracking apps, accountability groups, etc. are great tools to help but I get busy throughout the day, and I don’t drink anything.. I literally don’t drink a thing all day except at lunch. Who’s on board for making this a goal?! Hit me up on Instagram because I would love to cheer you on!

Does your brain ever feel like it’s in a fog? Or you’re super tired even though you have gotten enough sleep? I have noticed that when I drink more water, these symptoms go away.. I end up being much more productive when I’m hydrated.

5. Create a routine and follow it—Routines are huge for kids. I feel like this is a staple in our college educations as we become teachers, but they are great for adults too! Sit down and create routines for grading papers, making copies, parent contact, etc. and stick to it the best you can… I get it, stuff happens, meetings happen, etc. but if you make a conscious effort to follow them, I promise it will make your life much easier. If I had to choose, this is the #1 thing that has made my life easier as a teacher!

6. Reflect- Self-reflection is another one of the most beneficial self-care practices I do. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to take just a couple minutes each day to have a conversation with yourself. Think about what went well, what could have gone better and then what would have made it better.

7. Mindful breathing- I mentioned this in #1 about being mindful but it definitely deserves its own number. I have noticed that even pausing, taking a deep breath in through my nose and out through my mouth makes all the difference in a stressful school setting. There are also simple meditations that you can use to help regain a more peaceful mindset that only take a few minutes to do during your lunch break and prep periods.

I hope these tips find you well and help kick start your journey to practicing self-care in the classroom. If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out my self-care quiz. It will show you what type of self-care is best suited to your personality. Your results may surprise you and lead you on a path to even more enjoyable self-care activities! You can also check out my blog post all about teacher self care on a budget if you're looking for more ways to improve your self care.
