Raise your hand if your life changed some way in the last year. I’m guessing anyone reading this should have their arm up right now! It goes without saying that most people’s lives look different now than they did a year ago. 

Maybe working from home shifted your priorities. Or maybe finding new ways to go about your days made you question what really matters to you. If you feel like your values are out of whack, or like you’ve gotten off course with what matters, I promise, you’re not alone.

I’m here to tell you it’s okay! Getting back on track with your values will help you start feeling like your best self.

your values

Why Your Values Are Important

Your core values are like an internal compass. They represent what’s most important to you and what you believe in. Core values guide your decisions and choices. Even in life’s toughest moments, staying true to your yourself helps you find the right path for you.

When you’re living your values – thinking and acting in a way that matches up with them – life’s just better. You feel more confident in your actions and it's easier to find your purpose. But when your life doesn’t line up with your values, things don’t feel right. It can be harder to find what fulfills you and makes you happy.

That’s why it is so important to know your core What Are Values And Why Do We Need Them For A Fulfilling Lifevalues and make them part of every aspect of your life. 

How To Get Back On Track With Your Values

Okay! So, you’re feeling out of sync with living your values, and you’re not sure where to go from here. Here’s how you can get back on track.

defining your values

1. First Thing’s First: Are You Clear On Your Core Values?

Not everyone knows what their core values are, and that’s alright! But before you can make sure you’re living a life that reflects them, you have to figure out what they are. 

Everyone has different core values that are at the root of who they are as people. If you want to explore what your core values might be, start by thinking about the things that are most important to you. 

What inspires you and makes you happy? What frustrates you or makes you angry? What would you change to make the world a better place in your eyes? 

Answering these questions will help you narrow in on the values that shape your decisions and life choices.

2. If Your Values Have Changed, Ask Yourself Why

Obviously, COVID-19 had a pretty big impact on life as we know it in the past year. But when it comes to your values and how your life has changed, think specifically. 

Have struggles made you waver in your determination to do things you care about? Has life during a pandemic kept you from finding the clarity you need?

Before you can get back on track with your values, or maybe even redefine them, you have to know what’s gotten you to this point and why you might be feeling this way.

3. Zero In on Where You Are and Where You Want to Be

It’s okay if your priorities have changed and if some things are more or less important to you now than they used to be. What matters is that you’re moving forward!

Look ahead to the life you want to create for yourself in the future. What do you want more of, and what role do your values play in that picture? Think about actions you can take now and tweaks you can make today that will help you get there.

What do you need to do differently to live your values and get where you want to be?

personal values

4. Redefine Your Values If You Need To

One of the best ways to explore your values is to see what you prioritize during challenging times. Considering the year we’ve all had, there have probably been plenty of experiences where your priorities really made themselves clear! If new or different values have emerged in your life, embrace them. 

For some, family might be much more of a priority than it used to be. Maybe being assertive and speaking up for your beliefs is more important to you now than it once was. Spend some time considering the role values play in your world and what truly matters to you.

5. Plan How You’ll Live Your Values Moving Forward

Now that you’re clear on your values, it’s time to plan how you’ll incorporate them into your life.

  • Start by writing your core values down and why each one is important to you.
  • Next, think about how you can infuse them into your life more. For example, if creativity is one of your core values, maybe you can find a creative outlet you enjoy or explore ways to spice up your work with creative flair!
  • Then, commit. Take your ideas for how you will bring your core values to life and decide how and when. If adventure is on your list, maybe you’ll commit to going somewhere new this year. If family is a core value, you might start a new Sunday night tradition. However you plan to make your values show up in your life, set an intention and stick to it!

You Can Live The Life You Dream Of

You’re getting back on track with your values and trying to create your best life, but do you need help figuring out the rest? 

The Nourishment Collective has everything you need to find clarity in your life and start living as the highest version of yourself! Sign up to get access to monthly trainings, industry experts, resources, and more that will help you transform your life into what you want it to be!