A self care app with everything you need to live a calm and balanced life.

Picture this– I’m extremely pregnant with our 3rd child, sitting on the couch and wondering who I’m meant to be in this world. I had everything I had ever dreamed of but something was missing.. After googling what people do when they’ve hit rock bottom, I realized exactly what was missing. It was me! (And I'm going to tell you how one simple self care app changed it all!)

I spent SO much time looking out for, taking care of and putting others before myself that I didn’t even know who I was any more besides my roles of being a wife, mom and teacher. I was completely unhappy and had zero reasons to be. My life was blessed beyond measure but none of that mattered because somewhere along the way, I had disappeared. 

Fast forward a few weeks and I had decided to hire a life coach. It is one of the BEST decisions I have ever made! I grew immensely from the experience. One thing I noticed was that there was an app to keep me organized, one to set goals, one to track my habits, one for meditation and mindfulness, you get the point.. I ended up getting really lazy with using them because I got tired of having to use SO many self care apps.


There are over 2.8 million apps currently in the app store and they range from games, to social media, to self care and personal development. Do you think I could find one that was simple, to the point and did ALL the things I needed it to? Nope.. I sure didn’t. 

One thing that I hope you already know, or will soon discover is that I do not pretend to be something that I’m not. And I am NOT a meditation guru or some cray cray workout obsessed mama.. I am just a human, like you who is trying to show up each and everyday for herself, her family and her clients. I do not need an app that has all the bells and whistles or the latest and most scientific meditations. What I really need is something simple, easy to use and has options but isn’t overwhelming. 

Instead of being bummed out and waiting for someone else to create what I needed.. I seized the day and went after it myself! And Viola!! Simply Balanced Teaching was born! I figured if I had a need for something like this, so do other people! The best part is that this app isn’t just for teachers! It’s for anyone who wants to learn to better manage their life in a simple way!


If you’re anything like me, you want to know more about what this app is and does so let me show you!

Self Care App

Simply Balanced Teaching is the #1 app for anyone who is trying to create a healthy balance in life. It will help improve your physical health, personal growth, help you work on stress management, and find anxiety relief. It’s an all-inclusive app like none other—It’s all you need to live a calm and productive life.

Its self care features include mindfulness & sleep sessions through guided mindfulness & meditation, daily affirmations, a place to journal, reflect and keep your thoughts, set goals and schedule your to do list. It will help you feel less stressed, build routines, tackle your to do list, reflect on your day, get better sleep and be your best self for you, your family and your students.

Plus, you can try it for yourself with our 7 day free trial!



  • Just 5-minutes of mindfulness and meditation per day can improve your life through stress relief and improved sleep
  • New guided meditations that range from 5-20 minutes
  • Sleep stories to help you relax and drift peacefully to sleep


  • Perfect for busy lifestyles— you no longer have to bring your journal everywhere you go, it'll be in your pocket!
  • Simple to use
  • Search feature allows you to find all previous entries


  • Find positivity each time you open the app
  • Build self-confidence
  • And more


  • Set your goals
  • Stay focused on them


  • Schedule your to do list
  • Reduce stress
  • Become more focused


  • Schedule your to do list
  • Motivation
  • Track how many days you can reach your goals


  • Build a meditation habit
  • Get a better night's sleep
  • Stay organized
  • Keep track of goals and stay motivated
  • Improve focus
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Stay calm and relaxed
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Be an effective teacher
  • Become more mindful
  • Calm down and relax at the end of a long day
  • Be happier, more relaxed, and calm

Functionality of the App

Interested in how this self care app looks and functions?! Here is a video that will show you just that!

Interested in other things self care? Check out some of my other blog posts: