Month: June 2022

  • Tips for Goal Setting: Micro Goals Will Change Your Life

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list? Are you struggling to find time for everything on your plate? You’re not alone. It can be hard to balance work, family, and personal life obligations. But did you know that setting micro goals can help make things a little bit easier? Micro goals are small, achievable […]


  • Trouble Reaching Your Goal? FOMO Could be to Blame

    Are you familiar with the term FOMO? It stands for Fear of Missing Out, and it’s a feeling that many of us know all too well. We’re so afraid of missing out on something great that we never take the time to focus on our own goals. We get caught up in the hype of […]


  • What’s Imposter Syndrome and How to Deal with it

    Are you struggling with feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy, even though you have accomplished a lot? Do you sometimes feel like a fraud, like others will eventually find out that you are not as capable as they think? If so, then you may be experiencing imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is a term used to describe […]


  • Giving Yourself Grace to Find Success in Life

    If you’re anything like me, you probably find yourself feeling guilty a lot. You might feel like you’re not doing enough or that you’re falling short in some way. But did you know that giving yourself grace is one of the most important things you can do for your business? Today, I want to share […]