Are you feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list? Are you struggling to find time for everything on your plate? You're not alone. It can be hard to balance work, family, and personal life obligations. But did you know that setting micro goals can help make things a little bit easier? Micro goals are small, achievable tasks that help you move closer to your overall goal. Instead of trying to accomplish everything at once, break down your goal into smaller steps that you can complete over time. Not only will this make it easier for you to stay organized, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment each time you check something off your list. So how do you go about setting micro goals? Keep reading for my tips for goal setting.

tips for goal setting

Long term goals, Small Goals & micro goals

First of all, when it comes to tips for goal setting, it's important to strike the right balance between long term goals small goals and micro goals. On the one hand, you want to have a clear vision for where you ultimately want to end up. Without a long term goal, it can be easy to get sidetracked or lose motivation. But on the other hand, if all of your goals are long term, it can be hard to stay motivated and see progress. That's why it's important to set both long term and short term goals.

BUT what about when you aren’t even reaching short term or smaller goals? That’s where micro goals come into play.

What are micro goals and how can they help you achieve your larger goals

Let’s break down exactly what a micro goal is- most coaches and personal development professionals talk about breaking your long term goals into shorter ones to keep you on track. Say you want to lose 50 lbs this year- that breaks down into just over 4 lbs a month. That seems a lot more manageable doesn’t it? But what happens when even that seems overwhelming? Personally, when I think of losing 4 lbs in a month, I think about how many times I need to work out, how many days I need to eat healthy and before I know it, procrastination, overwhelm and imposter syndrome have all set up camp and I’m set up on the couch to binge my newest TV obsession.

This is exactly why I teach my clients to not only set short and long term goals but I get them on the micro goals train which pulls right into happy town and leaves you feeling more confident, productive and successful.

How to set a micro goal for yourself

My number one tip for setting goals is to use micro goals. Micro goals are a great way to stay motivated and on track with your larger goals. Each day, wake up and set your intentions for the day. What do you want to accomplish? What are your priorities? Once you have your goals in mind, create a to-do list and only worry about today's goals. Don't think about tomorrow or next week, just focus on today. Then, tomorrow, wake up and repeat the process. By taking things one day at a time, you'll be less likely to feel overwhelmed and more likely to stay on track. And before you know it, you'll reach your larger goal!

Micro Goal Setting Breakdown:

– Set a realistic goal that you can achieve within a short timeframe.

– Make sure your goal is specific and measurable.

– Write down your goal and put it in a place where you will see it every day.

– Tell someone else about your goal so they can help hold you accountable.

– Celebrate each time you reach your micro goal! This will help keep you motivated.

Examples of successful micro goals

  • Working out for 10 minutes today
  • drinking 2 glasses of water today
  • reading just a few pages of a book today
  • meditating or praying for just a minute or two today

Each of these goals ends with the word “today” because when we are setting micro goals, the key thing to remember is that your only goal is today’s goal. We will worry about tomorrow’s goals tomorrow. This allows for reflection, motivation and optimal success.

tips for goal setting

How to stay motivated when setting your goals

The best way to stay motivated when working towards your micro goal is to start with the end in mind. Don’t just set random goals, make sure they are relevant to the priority or long term goal you have set. Without this, it will be hard to stay motivated day in and day out.

By incorporating your micro goals with your long term ones, it will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you moving forward. Also remember to celebrate each small success and use it as motivation to keep going. Finally, make sure that your micro goal is something that you are genuinely excited about. If you are passionate about what you are working towards, it will be much easier to stay motivated throughout the process. Keep your eyes on the prize and don't give up on your dreams!

Tips for overcoming roadblocks along the way

We all know what it's like to set a goal, start off strong, and then hit a wall. Whether it's getting in shape, starting a business, or learning a new skill, we've all been there. The good news is that there are some tried and true tips you can use to overcome roadblocks and reach your goals.

One of the best tips for overcoming roadblocks is to anticipate them before they happen. This means taking some time to think about what could go wrong and what might stand in your way. By doing this, you can be prepared for anything that comes up and have a plan for how to deal with it.

Another great tip for goal setting is to find an accountability partner. This is someone who you can check in with on a regular basis and who will help keep you accountable to your goals. Having someone to bounce ideas off of and who will support you can make all the difference when trying to overcome roadblocks.

Finally, one of the best tips for overcoming roadblocks is to journal or reflect on the ones that come up. This helps you to understand why they are happening and what you can do differently next time. It can also be helpful to reframe the obstacles into learning opportunities.

setting goals

The importance of celebrating your accomplishments

If I’ve said it once, I’ve literally said this a thousand times… No matter how big or small, every accomplishment is worth celebrating. Why? Because each accomplishment is a step forward on your journey to achieving your goals. And, as we all know, the journey is often more important than the destination.

So, how can you make sure you celebrate your accomplishments in a way that is meaningful and motivating? Here are a few tips:

1. Set realistic goals. This will help you avoid getting caught up in perfectionism and instead focus on making progress.

2. Celebrate every victory, no matter how small. Acknowledge your successes, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

3. Be your own biggest fan. Take some time to pat yourself on the back and give yourself credit where it's due. We often tend to be our own biggest critics, so it's important to give yourself some positive self-talk from time to time.

4. Share your accomplishments with others. This can help create a sense of accountability and also give you a chance to inspire someone else with your successes.

5. Use your accomplishments as motivation to keep going. Every success should give you a boost of confidence and motivation to keep pursuing your goals.

tips for goal setting

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of this blog post. Now it’s time for the real challenge: putting these ideas into action and actually using these tips for setting goals. We hope you found this article helpful and that you feel inspired to set some micro goals for yourself. Remember, taking small steps towards your larger goal is better than not taking any steps at all. And be sure to celebrate your accomplishments along the way—that’s an important part of staying motivated. Ready to get started? Join my Jumpstart program today and I’ll help you reach your goals in no time!