Everyone runs into moments of fear sometimes. When fear keeps you from taking steps to create the life you want, it’s normal to feel frustrated or disappointed in yourself. Fear’s a funny thing: no matter how bad you want something, fear has a way of getting the best of us all. It’s in those moments that we need to practice self love, nurture our spirits, and be fair to ourselves. 

practice self love

Here are six ways to practice self love in moments of fear.

Show Yourself Compassion

Is anyone else harder on themselves than you ever would be on anyone else?? So many people set high expectations for themselves and then beat themselves up when they’re not perfect. In moments of fear, when self-doubt creeps in, and we’re uncertain of our next steps, we need to practice self love by showing ourselves some compassion.

Instead of focusing on what’s not going right or what could go wrong, be fair to yourself. Recognize that you’re human and that it’s normal to feel fear. Ask yourself what sort of support you need, and give it to yourself!

Practice Mindfulness

When you’re experiencing fear in your life, it might sound counterproductive to let yourself sit with that fear. Using mindfulness, when you accept your fear and acknowledge it, you can help yourself move past it and give yourself the grace to let it be a passing feeling… instead of something that lasts and perpetually keeps you from moving forward. 

Mindfulness is a great way to practice self love because you’re giving yourself permission to feel your fear. Being mindful of your fear will do two things: help you accept your fear instead of stress about it, and help you use it to your advantage instead of allowing it to hold you back. 

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparison and fear go hand-in-hand. Seeing someone else you perceive as doing better than you are in life, accomplishing the things you want, or sometimes even just adulting better than you are might be intimidating or make you feel insecure. Comparing yourself to others can stir up fears that get in your way of living the life you want. 

Instead of feeling fearful because you’re comparing yourself, practice self love and stop the comparisons. I mean it! You’re in charge of your story and yours alone. Focus your energy on nourishing yourself and creating the right path for you. When you stop side-eyeing the “competition” and look at what’s in front of you, you’ll find yourself feeling less fearful and more confident!

use fear to your advantage

Repeat Your Affirmations

When you really think about your fears, a lot of times, they’re self-sabotaging thoughts. If you’re fearful about making that career move and the uncertainty it would bring, maybe what you’re really afraid of is whether or not you have what it takes to succeed in a new role. One of the best things you can do to help yourself get past moments of fear is to practice self love by repeating positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations help you put the lid on self-sabotaging thoughts because they remind you to believe in the things you’re affirming. They empower you and give you the strength and confidence to make meaningful changes in your life. Repeating your affirmations and believing in yourself will help you hold your head high during moments of fear and get to the other side. 

Surround Yourself with Positive People

If fear prevents you from taking steps to find your highest self, stop and consider who you’re surrounding yourself with. Do the people in your circle inspire you and want good things for you? It can be tough to do, but in some cases, practicing self care is removing negative people from your life.

Look, no one’s perfect. Just because someone isn’t who you want to be around now doesn’t mean you can never be close again. The important thing is to invest the time and energy you have for relationships in the people who bring positivity to your world. While you’re navigating a moment of fear, hold on to the people that lift you up, and let anyone else go on their merry way if you need to.

Take Baby Steps and Get Things Done

Moments of fear can be so tough to move on from. But a lot of times, it’s not an “all or nothing” kind of thing. There are usually ways you can make progress toward whatever your fear is keeping you from without diving all-in. Taking baby steps toward whatever your fear is keeping you from is a way to practice self care: You’re recognizing your fear, being patient with yourself, and being productive instead of sitting back afraid.

Taking baby steps helps you put your fears to rest because even though you’re slowly building toward what you want, you are showing yourself you’re capable. You’re proving to yourself that you’re capable while honoring the fact that for whatever reason, you’re just not ready to go all-in. Try to remember that taking it slow is taking care of yourself!

moments of fear

Prioritize Healthy Habits

Would you take on any sort of physical challenge if you weren’t feeling healthy? Finding your way through moments of fear is no different: you need to feel healthy, mentally and physically, if you want to move on from your fear and create the life you dream of. Making healthy habits a priority is a way to practice self love that will benefit you in every area of your life. 

Healthy habits like exercise, eating well, and getting enough sleep are simple but super important to your overall well-being. When you feel good about yourself, your confidence and self-esteem go up. Those fears that are preventing you from taking leaps and exploring your best self? They don’t hold up well against self-confidence and self love!

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back!

Moments of fear are the times we need self love the most! You deserve to find your highest self and build the life you deserve: Don’t let fear stop you! Sign up for The Nourishment Collective to access all the resources and training you need to start living your best life!