Self care is so important, but it can be difficult to know where to start. So often we think of self care as something that's only for luxury spa days or weekend getaways, but that's not always the case! Or it is often thought of as random activities that you're suppose to do in order to bring you short term happiness with the hopes that it “re-fill your cup.” But what are ideas for self care if it's not just bubble baths and massages?

ideas for self care

More times than not, self care is confused with self indulgence. There are plenty of small and simple things you can do every day to take care of yourself. Here are my top 10 ideas for self care (that don't involve a lot of money or time) that will actually renew your mind, body and soul.

Self Care Idea #1

  • Declutter & Organize- Your physical environment plays a large part in how you feel, your productivity and improves your quality of life. Start by getting rid of 1 object today, 2 tomorrow, 3 the next day and continue until you feel that you have decluttered enough to bring you peace. If you do this for an entire month, you will have gotten rid of over 500 things!

Idea #2

  • Be Grounded in Nature– take some time to be in nature. The woods, the beach or a local park are all places that will help you appreciate being outside. Leave your headphones at home and take in all of the sights and sounds that you can observe. This will help you feel connected with nature and improve your mood, improve your physical health and reduce stress.

Idea #3

  • Be Present- Put away all distractions and be present for a portion of your day. Maybe it's playing games with your kids, spending time with your partner, or anything else you might be doing. Afterwards, reflect on how it made you feel.

Self Care Idea #4

  • Track Your Mood- Track your mood for a week or even a month. Knowing your moods can help you better regulate them and feel better faster. It will also help you make better lifestyle choices as you become more aware of your feelings and what causes you to feel the way you do.

Idea #5

  • Ask For Help- This can be a difficult one but it's so necessary! Sit down and make a list of areas you are struggling with. This might be keeping the house clean, getting the kids to all of their activities, etc. Once you have a list, choose one of them to ask someone for help with. Maybe your partner does the laundry that week and gives you a little more time for yourself.

Idea #6

  • Forgive- Take 15 minutes and write a letter to someone you need to forgive. Don't worry, you don't really have to give it to them. Being able to write out your words of forgiveness will free you from the stress and anxiety that may be accompanying the situation.

Self Care Idea #7

Push Your Limits- Our comfort zones are a warm and cozy place. We tend to live here most of the time. While they help us thrive, they tend to limit us. Push yourself to do something uncomfortable today. Weak u pan hour earlier to make time for a hobby or speak up when you normally wouldn't if you feel resistance, keep pushing and watch yourself grow!

This is also a time where you could try something new. Our brains tend to fall into autopilot mode when we are always doing familiar activities (inside that comfy comfort zone) Free yourself from any preconceptions and change your mindset to step outside and push your limit!

Idea #8

  • Reflect- Set a timer for 10 minutes and reflect on your day, week, month, year… See if it sparks any goals or directions you want to move towards in life. Focus on the lessons you've learned and the positive impact they've had on you. You can do this mentally or write it down in a journal.

Idea #9

  • Plan- Take some time to map out and plan something. Maybe it's your to do list for tomorrow, a meal plan for the next week or some short/long term goals. Take 10-16 minutes and get intentional about your planning.

Idea #10

Volunteer & Perform Random Acts of Kindness- There are so many people doing great work to bring positive changes in the world. Find an organization whose mission aligns with your values and volunteer. There's nothing like connecting around a shared cause. If you're looking for some great causes to support, you can find a list here.

Random acts of kindness aren't just good for the recipient! They are good for your soul. Your RAK (random act of kindness) doesn't have to be a grand gesture and you don't have to go out of your way. You can find easy examples here.

In order to be your best self, you need to take care of yourself. This can include getting enough sleep and exercise, eating healthy food and avoiding unhealthy habits, practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques on a regular basis, focusing on the things that make you happy (e.g., hobbies) and spending time with people who love you unconditionally.

If this sounds overwhelming, we’ve created an easy-to-follow self care deck for busy professionals looking for some guidance. It includes tips such as grounding yourself in nature by taking walks outside every day; decluttering your home so it feels more peaceful; setting goals so you know what's important to focus on each week; organizing your space so your environment lends itself to peace and calming. Let me know in the comments which of these self care ideas you can't wait to try!