It's a truth universally acknowledged that it takes years to build a profitable product based business and to increase your sales.

Gotcha! That's absolutely not true.

If you focus on the right techniques, you can start building a profitable product based business right away!

sales increase

In this post, I’m going to show you ten 20-minute things you can do to see your product sales increase.

By the end, you will not only have more sales but you won't be overwhelmed or exhausted by the process. You may even find yourself starting a second business…

Grab yourself 20 of your very important minutes and a lavender lemonade and let's get into how you can increase your sales before the year is out.

#1. Use the “Upsell Technique”

The Upsell technique is a powerful way to increase sales for small product-based businesses. When I first started implementing the Upsell technique, my goal was to increase the average order value of my customers. I had no idea how much it would change my business.

At first, I simply suggested complementary products to my customers during the checkout process. For example, if someone was buying a glass, I would suggest a matching glass straw. This simple suggestion resulted in a significant increase in sales and average order value.

As I continued to refine this technique, I experimented with offering complementary products when customers purchased a certain item. This incentivizes customers to spend more.

Overall, the Upsell technique has been incredibly effective for my business, and I highly recommend it to other small product-based businesses looking to increase sales and average order value.

upselling to increase sales

Here's how you can develop your upsell technique in as little as 20 minutes:

  1. Take 5-10 minutes to analyze your product offerings and identify complementary products that would make sense to suggest to your customers. For example, if you sell shoes, you could suggest socks or shoe inserts. Make a list of these complementary products.
  2. Next, take 5-10 minutes to create a discount offer for customers who purchase a certain dollar amount of products. For example, if someone spends $100 or more, they get 10% off their entire order. Make sure to calculate the discount carefully so that it's not too steep for your business.
  3. Finally, take 10 minutes to update your website or online store to include the suggested complementary products and the discount offer. Make sure that the complementary products are prominently displayed during the checkout process, and that the discount offer is clearly communicated to customers.

By taking just 20 minutes to complete these steps, you can quickly develop a powerful upsell technique that will help increase your sales and average order value.

What you can expect:

The result of developing an effective upsell technique will be a significant increase in sales. And believe it or not, it will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. By suggesting complementary products and offering discounts, you're providing added value to your customers and incentivizing them to make larger purchases.

For example, I had a client who implemented this plan and saw a 25% increase in average order value within just a few weeks. Customers appreciated the suggestions for complementary products and were more likely to make additional purchases when they knew they could get a discount.

In addition to increasing sales and customer satisfaction, an effective upsell technique can also help you stand out from your competitors. By offering added value to your customers, you'll create a strong sense of loyalty and trust. This will keep them coming back to your business time and time again.

Give it a try and see the results for yourself!

#2. Make Time for Reflecting on Your Business Goals

When you've been struggling to grow your business, something as simple as taking the time to plan for the future can feel like wasted time. But if you don't take the time to reflect on your business goals and create a strategic plan, it'll be hard to make progress and achieve success.

Reflecting on your business goals gives you a roadmap for success. It allows you to see who your competitors are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how you can differentiate yourself in the market. By creating a strategic plan, you're able to set achievable goals and develop a clear vision for the future.

Once you make time to reflect on your business goals, you'll have a clear vision for your business. You'll know what you want to achieve and how you're going to get there. You'll be able to make decisions more quickly and confidently because you'll have a better understanding of your business and its potential.

What you can expect:

For example, I had a client who was struggling to grow their online store. They were getting traffic to their website, but they weren't seeing many sales. After taking the time to reflect on their business goals and create a strategic plan, they were able to identify areas for improvement and make changes to their website and marketing strategy. As a result, they saw a 50% increase in sales within just a few months.

If you want to achieve success in your small business, it's important to make time for reflecting on your business goals and creating a strategic plan. Want more information on this topic? Check out our related blog post all about using micro goals by clicking here.

goal setting tips

#3. Keep on Showing Up on Social Media

One of the best things you can do to build your small business is to consistently show up on social media. Even when it seems like you're not making progress, taking small steps to create and publish content can have a huge impact on your online following and engagement.

Let's face it, creating social media content can be monotonous and time-consuming. If you're spending disjointed amounts of time on social media content creation, you're not alone. This is something most small business owners struggle with.

I struggled with it too. When I first started using social media for my business, I would spend hours creating content. Plus I would spend more time trying to stay on top of the latest trends. But I quickly realized that this approach was not sustainable or effective.

The good news is, social media content creation is a perfect candidate for the 20-minute rule. Instead of forcing yourself to spend hours at a time creating content, just do it for 20 minutes at a time. You can use tools like Later or Hootsuite to help you keep track of your content schedule and make the most of your 20-minute sessions. Then take a break, go for a walk, step away from it.

By consistently showing up on social media, even in small 20-minute increments, you'll start to see an increase in engagement and followers. It may take time and patience, but the results will be worth it.

What you can expect:

Working in bite-sized time chunks allows you to stay focused and productive without burning out. By breaking down tasks into manageable 20-minute sessions, you'll be able to make progress on your social media content creation while still having time for other important activities in your day.

This approach also helps you avoid decision fatigue and writer's block. Instead of trying to come up with a week's worth of content all at once, you can focus on creating just one piece of content in each 20-minute session. This makes the process less overwhelming and more enjoyable.

#4. Try Using Influencer Marketing to Increase Your Sales

If you've been relying on traditional marketing methods like paid ads or email marketing, it may be time to try something different. Influencer marketing can be a powerful way to reach new audiences and build brand awareness, especially if you have a small marketing budget.

Here's how to get started with influencer marketing in just 20 minutes:

  1. Identify influencers in your niche who have a following of your target audience. Look for influencers who have a high engagement rate and are authentic in their approach to sponsored content.
  2. Reach out to the influencers and pitch them on a partnership. Offer them a free product or service in exchange for promoting your business to their followers.
  3. Set clear goals and metrics for your influencer campaign. Define what success looks like and track your results using tools like Google Analytics or social media analytics.

By trying out influencer marketing for just 20 minutes a day, you can test the waters and see if this approach is a good fit for your business. Who knows, you may find that working with influencers is a game-changer for your marketing strategy!

Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you get started with influencer marketing:

  1. Walk through the steps above one at a time every day for 20 minutes a day (or every other day) to test out the waters and see if this approach is right for you.
  2. Start small with your influencer partnerships and build from there. You don't need to work with the biggest influencers in your niche to see results.
  3. Be authentic in your approach to influencer marketing. Choose influencers who align with your brand values and mission, and work with them to create content that resonates with their followers.

For more tips on influencer marketing, check out our related blog post: [Related Blog Post Title with a link – it should be on your website].

What you can expect:

If you decide to give influencer marketing a try, you can expect to see an increase in brand awareness and engagement. By partnering with influencers who have an engaged following, you'll be able to reach new audiences and build trust with potential customers.

I've worked with a client who used influencer marketing to promote their new app. They identified influencers on Instagram who had a similar target audience and reached out to pitch a partnership. The influencers agreed to promote the app to their followers in exchange for a free subscription.

As a result of the influencer campaign, my client saw a significant increase in app downloads and engagement. They were able to reach new users who may not have otherwise heard of the app, and the partnerships helped to build credibility and trust with potential users.

By trying something new like influencer marketing, you open yourself up to new opportunities for growth and increased sales. Give it a try and see the results for yourself!

influencer marketing

Graphic by Influencer Marketing Hub

Have a look at Unboxes' blog post on the benefits of influencer marketing.  Click here to read more!

#5. Take the Time to Learn from Experts

We don’t all have the time for [something not everyone can access – e.g., one-on-one coaching or therapy]. And that’s perfectly okay, because nowadays there are other options available that don’t require [thing they don’t have time for – e.g., extra travel] and [another time-sucking thing – e.g., a lot of planning].

You can absolutely still achieve [desired outcome] by trying [ thing #5]. And the kicker is, you can do this one in 20 minutes or less.

There are many learning experiences out there, including:

And of course, business memberships like The Get it Done Academy can teach you essential lessons on business as well as juggling all the demands of being a CEO and Running a family.

saless increase

Click here to learn more about The Get It Done Academy now!

What you can expect:

As a member of our community, you can expect a comprehensive and supportive learning experience. It's designed to help you grow your small product-based business.

Our program is structured around three key pillars: Strategy, Execution, and Mindset. Throughout the course, you will learn how to develop a sound strategy that aligns with your business goals. You'll know how to execute that strategy effectively and how to maintain a positive mindset that allows you to overcome obstacles and stay motivated.

You will have access to a wide range of educational resources, including video lessons, worksheets, and templates that you can use to plan and track your progress. You will also have the opportunity to connect with other small business owners through our exclusive community. Share ideas, ask questions, and receive support from like-minded individuals any time.

By joining the Get It Done Academy, you can expect to gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to take your business to the next level- including an increase in sales. I can't wait to see what you will accomplish!

#6. Implement Your Core Values

The hardest part of building a business that creates both time and financial freedom is the initial phase of setting up the business. This involves conducting market research, developing a solid business plan, finding the right product or service to offer, and building a customer base from scratch.

This means an excellent way to use today's allocated 20 minutes is to start with the foundation- even if your business has been established for awhile.

My favorite way to do this is identify the core values you have as a business, because it allows you to align the rest of your business model to them and helps you stay connected with the roots of your business as you grow.

core values
The Marissa Rehder Show podcast episode

Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

  • Print off a list of core values
  • Highlight ALL of the values that you want to embody
  • Narrow them down to 5 core values

What you can expect:

The first thing I noticed after identifying my personal and business values is that decision making actually got easier. Making decisions based on my

The more you refer to your values, the easier decision making gets and the more you can make sure that the business you're growing is one you'll be proud of.

#7. Remember to take a break

It may seem counterintuitive, but building in regular time for rest actually means faster business growth. Why? Because a well-rested CEO is an effective CEO.

I have had great results just by taking 20 minutes each day to rest by getting a massage, meditating, journaling, napping or any number of other ways to rest (sometimes it's even watching the latest episode of Ride on the Hallmark channel).

sales increase

With all the other things you need to do to keep your business growing, you may be tempted to skip over this, but please don’t! A burned out entrepreneuer will never be a successful one- at least one with long term success.

Here are other 20-minute ways you can add rest to your day:

Here are three simple ways to add rest to your day:

  1. Take Regular Breaks: Sitting at a desk for hours on end can be both mentally and physically exhausting. To combat this, set a timer for every 90 minutes or so. Then take a quick break to stretch your legs, grab a snack, or simply step away from your work. Even just a few minutes away from your desk can help you feel refreshed and refocused.
  2. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation is a great way to add rest into your day. You can do this by finding a quiet space, closing your eyes, and focusing your attention on your breath. If you're new to mindfulness, consider using a guided meditation app like Headspace or Calm to help you get started.
  3. Schedule in Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is important, and it's crucial to prioritize self-care into your daily routine. This can include activities like going for a walk, reading a book, taking a bubble bath, or doing something creative. Whatever it is that makes you feel relaxed and rejuvenated, make sure to schedule it into your day. Treat it as a non-negotiable part of your routine.

Remember, adding rest into your day doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. By taking regular breaks, practicing mindfulness, and scheduling in self-care, you can easily incorporate rest into your daily routine. It will leave you reaping the benefits of a well-rested mind and body.

What you can expect:

  1. When you take regular breaks and practice self-care, you give your mind and body the chance to recharge and refocus. This can lead to increased productivity, as you're better equipped to tackle tasks with renewed energy and focus.
  2. Reduced Stress: Taking time to rest and care for yourself can help reduce stress levels. By incorporating rest into your daily routine, you can reduce anxiety, improve mood, and feel more relaxed throughout the day.
  3. Better Decision-Making: Rest and relaxation can also improve your ability to make sound decisions. When you're well-rested and less stressed, you're better able to think clearly and make informed choices for your business.
  4. Improved Health: Chronic stress and overworking can take a toll on your physical health over time. By prioritizing rest and self-care, you can improve your overall health and wellbeing. This can positively impact your business in the long run.

Overall, by adding rest into your day, you can expect to see improvements in both your personal and professional life.

#8. Plan out Your Yearly Product Launches for Increased Sales

If you’re like me, you tend to dive in head-first without a lot of thought or preparation. 

There are at least a dozen stories I could share with you where I've done this and it's completely backfired BUT… The biggest one was when I brought on a business partner even though I was ignoring every red flag like I was blind… Not only did it cost me over $10,000, it took me away from the real heart of my business for almost a year.

Whoa, talk about learning the hard way!

Planning your product launches is fun and only takes a few minutes each quarter.

Here’s what my yearly product launch plan looks like:

launch strategy

The best part about planning like this is that you end up less stressed, more prepared

Want to know more about planning your product launches? Have a look at this post about Mind Mapping. I use the same strategy in this post to determine my launch dates and which products I'm launching and when.

What you can expect:

Product business owners who prepare and plan their product launches in advance can expect several benefits, including:

  1. Higher Chance of Success:You will give yourself the time and resources needed to create a well-executed launch strategy. This can increase the likelihood of success and help you achieve your business goals.
  2. More Effective Marketing and increased sales: You will have ample time to develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes targeted ads, social media campaigns, email marketing, and other promotional tactics. By executing a well-planned marketing strategy, you can reach a wider audience and generate more buzz around your product launch.
  3. Better Inventory Management: It allows you to manage your inventory effectively. You'll be able to order the right amount of product, ensure it's available when you need it, and avoid costly stock shortages or overstocking.
  4. Improved Customer Experience: You can ensure that everything from the website design to the packaging is well-designed and aligned with your brand. This can improve the overall customer experience and increase the chances of repeat business.

Overall, being prepared and planning your product launch in advance can help you maximize your chances of success, increase brand awareness, and improve the overall customer experience. By taking the time to plan ahead, you can set yourself up for success and make the most of your product launch.

#9. Don't Confuse “Done is Better than Perfect” with Settling for Chaos

It can be tempting to live by the phrase- Done is Better than Perfect.

Instead, you can use a solid organization system for being prepared in your business.

When you have an actual business plan, know when your launches are going to be, etc- you can actually be prepared. Now this doesn't mean everything always has to be perfect but as a coach, I've found that when this statement comes out- it's usually because my client hasn't prioritized the task and is now rushing to through it together.

And the best part is, you can remove this phrase in only 20 minutes a week rather than feeling overwhelmed and chaotic.

What you can expect:

This will give you less stress, increased efficiency, improved decision making and more CONSISTENT results which means increased sales!

Need help organizing your business? Join the Get it Done Academy to access ALL of my organizational systems that will leave you more prepared and with less chaos.

#10. Finally, Plan Your Day

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may know that time management is a HUGE part of my success…

We're excited to announce my newest daily planner for optimal time management.

So if you really want to save time and maximize your results, head on over and take a peek at this daily planner. It will help you stay on track and reach your goals..

[insert a mockup of your offer]

increase sales

Click here to Download the planner now

That’s a Wrap! 20 Minutes to Increased Product Sales

It’s amazing what you can accomplish in 20 minutes when you’re focused and diligent.

As Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe said, “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do.” 

The best way to boost sales is to be consistent and tackle bite-sized tasks often and regularly. I hope this guide has been helpful for you. 

Oh, and let me know in the comments which of these ideas you’re going to try first!

And don’t forget to come say hi on Instagram!