Creating routines can be so hard, and the absolute hardest part is sticking to your habits long enough to actually reach your goals.

I’ve been there. I have never been a morning person. No matter how many times I tried to implement a morning routine, I would fail every time. Until I finally learned the secrets of successful to building the best routine for creating success and happiness, which is what I’m sharing with you here!

the best daily routine

In this blog post, I’m sharing the 5 secrets I learned that allowed me to build a solid daily routine and keep it for good. I’ll be covering:

• How I developed the best daily routine and stuck with it
• How your sleep is affecting your daily routines and what to do about it
• The science behind why habits and routines are important
• How to stay motivated to keep going
• Strategies for building solid routines
• How to sustain your routines and what to do when they no longer serve you

So if you’re tired struggling to maintain your daily routine, falling off the wagon of before you even start,
constantly feeling like you're failing, and still never creating a solid and sustainable routine, then you’re in
the right place! All of that is about to change for good!

How I Effortlessly Created the Best Daily Routine

I was never very good at maintaining a daily routine, but after getting married and having kids, I realized how important routines were. I was battling postpartum anxiety. I was running on empty all the time, had zero energy, and hated the way I felt. I was desperate to find my happiness and tried to implement new habits. But I could never stick to anything long enough to reach my goal of having longterm happiness. I would be able to
maintain my resolve for a few weeks tops, and then I’d land right back to not working out, hitting the snooze button as many times as I could and running late for work, AGAIN!

Until one day, I was absolutely fed up with being so unhappy. I set out to figure out what was going on in my body and mind that was causing me to fail time and time again and making it so freaking impossible to make any progress in my happiness. I started doing tons of research on building habits, long term happiness, and psychology. I finally learned the secrets of how to create the best daily routine that would ultimately lead me to the happiness I had been longing for… You know the day to day kind found in the little moments and not just the monumental things like babies and weddings.

sample morning routine

What Changed?

From there, I finally created a morning and nighttime routine that worked for me, where I was able to fall asleep quickly, get quality sleep and wake up rested (which I'm not sure I had every truly felt before!). I also had time dedicated to my personal growth. I love feeling productive and starting my day off on the right foot was contagious. Before I knew it, after just a few months that seemed to fly by, I had built the habits I needed, and I have kept them effortlessly ever since.

I feel so good, so healthy, so energized, and so confident! I finally like the way want and actually enjoy the little moments in life! My life has completely changed for the better. So here’s exactly what I learned, and how to implement it for yourself. This is exactly how to stick to a habit, how to use habits to create routines, and how to keep them for good.

Secret #1: How your sleep is affecting your daily routines and what to do about it

There are many things our body does while we sleep, such as regulating energy balance and intellectual function.

While you’re sleeping, your brain goes to work on tasks like learning new information, managing emotions and making memories that will stick around for the long term. This is an activity called memory consolidation. Your liver detoxifies compounds in food; your pancreas cells make more insulin; blood flow increases throughout all of the tissues in order to bring nutrients into them and take wastes out—and much more!

Obviously we know lack of sleep is unhealthy and can put us in a bad mood. This then dominoes into all areas of our lives so what can you do about it?

How to get better sleep

Your body will know when you need sleep so follow your natural rhythm. Try to get 7.5 hours of uninterrupted rest each night, no more or less than that amount. Make sure what you eat and drink isn't disrupting this process either – don't go to bed hungry or stuffed! Create a comfortable environment by keeping the room at the right temperature for your body. Also try to limit noise pollution from outside sources like street traffic etc.. Limit daytime naps as they can interfere with nighttime sleeping patterns too. Another thing to consider is physical activity. It is important for general health but should be done earlier in the day rather than before going to bed. Mainly because it stimulates energy levels which makes it harder for people who are trying fall asleep at night on time without waking up throughout their slumber cycle.

Building a nighttime routine can truly change your quality of sleep.

night routines

Secret #2: The science behind why habits and routines are important

Scientists say that habits emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. Left on its own, our brains will try to make almost any routine into a habit since it allows us think less and expend fewer mental resources.

Our brains go through a three-step process that makes behaviors automatic if done repeatedly. First, our brain receives stimuli or triggers which then leads to the routine behavior. After that, it finally rewards us for it as well until we form habits out of these routines over time.

When a habit emerges, the brain stops being part of the decision making process. It doesn't have to work as hard and can focus on other tasks instead. This means that unless you deliberately fight your habits by changing routines, they will just happen automatically over time.

Basically, habits and routines make your life easier, conserve your brain's bandwidth and leads to a happier and healthier life.

Secret #3: How to stay motivated to keep going

The answer to this is short and sweet… Identify your issues and fears, work on your mindset every day, surround yourself with inspiration and remove distractions and/or temptations. It also helps to prepare for your routines the night before. Visualize what you want each morning for 66 days straight while committing wholeheartedly to this change in order to become a better person.

routines daily

Secret #4: Strategies for building solid routines

Some research suggests that the best way to form a new habit is by tying it to an existing one. So, look for patterns in your day. Think about how you can use existing habits as triggers of good ones. Start small with something simple like taking a walk after lunch or checking off tasks on your list before they get too long. Doing this will becomes second-nature over time.

My next tip is to do it every day and make it easy. Researchers found that the majority of people can form an automatic routine for something as simple, yet important habits like drinking water or taking walks at certain points during their day to stay healthy and happy! And the easier you make a habit to implement, the more likely you are to do it. And don't forget to reward yourself! They make great motivators and help you stick to your routine.

Secret #5: How to sustain your routines and what to do when they no longer serve you

John Dryden, the 17th-century English poet, once said, “We first make our habits, then our habits make us.”

If your habits don't serve you and aren't making you into the person you want to be, it's time to take a step back. It’s time to take the reins of your life and turn it into something that suits you. We all have certain habits, but what happens when these patterns aren't serving their purpose anymore? Get rid of them! Replace them with new routines or systems. –and get ready for success in no time at all.

You can do this too!

Once I learned these secrets about habits and implemented them into my daily life, I finally built a routine that served me. Even though I had been struggling to do for years (or my whole life…) and I have kept it ever since. I finally stopped hitting snooze, stopped waking up at the very last minute, stopped missing my workouts, and never once felt bored or restricted by my routine. I’ve even been able to enjoy the activities I’ve always loved and didn't “have time for” before! With these habit secrets, building a routine was actually easy, and I feel better than ever!

I want this for you, too! If you’re ready to ditch the morning drama, get control of your nightly routine and
morning habits, and finally stick to it for good, I urge you to get started with your habits audit today!! Click here to get on the calendar and get started today!

morning routines ideas

I'm ready, now what?

The biggest factor in creating habits for good is creating a mindset for success. Even if you’re not ready to go all in on your daily routines, I have something that will help you think completely differently about creating them. Drop the struggle around building habits and actually stick to your goals. Book a 1 hour Habits Audit, Ditch the Daily Drama: The Psychology of Successful Routines! Use the link below to get on the calendar for this life-changing
audit and rewire your brain for effortless habit creation!

I also have an awesome resource library containing literally everything I used to help me build
my routines – books, workout guides, all the best routine planners and journals, and more! Click here to check
it out!


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